Cyberpod (n) A heavily armored, two-legged walking machine with an appetite for destruction. CyberStrike (n) What happens when hundreds of CyberPods meet under an electric blue sky. A game of territorial conquest, CyberStrike is an exciting, multi-player futuristic combat game. Not a typical arcade "shoot-em-up" against computer-controlled opponents, in CyberStrike the intense battles you fight are against REAL people, controlling 3D CyberPods just like yours! This team-oriented game allows you to venture into a world of colorful 3D graphics and stereo sound, where cities are divided into training, beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Learn the game at your own pace, or chat with other players or teammates to form alliances and battle plans. Easy to learn, fun to play and challenging to master, CyberStrike was voted "Online Game of the Year" by Computer Gaming World magazine! Can you manoeuver your high-tech, 3D CyberPod through the CyberCity whilst protecting yourself and your team? To play the game will need to have already installed the Simutronics launcher, in addition to which you will need to install the Cyberstrike game. Click on the install button below to install the Cyberstrike game, and "launcher" to the left to install the launcher. The Simutronics games channel also includes dedicated chat and message boards. To access these you will need the Simutronics Chat and Message board clients. To install these, please click on Chat or Message Board buttons below.